Xcapade II Xpansion
It's hard to navigate this thing called life alone, especially with the expectation of curating a lifestyle of balance. Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday, wellness guides Angela, Jonvoana, Jessica, and Tesa Xpand upon hot topics to help challenge the mind, heal the body, & elevate the spirits of those on a journey towards discovery. Join other XIIX Enthusiast as these guides offer essential tips, targeted resources, and stimulating conversation each episode - taking you further into creating and living the life you desire and are worthy of.
Xcapade II Xpansion
S1- Ep. 3: Relationship DOA (Dead on Arrival) Part 2 - Social Media Effects
Xcapade II Xpansion
Season 1
Episode 3
XIIX Wellness Guides are back this week continuing the conversation about relationships. What would you do if your significant other told you , “no”? Would breaking an agreement you two made be a deal-breaker for you? How is social media affecting the expectations and standards we have in our relationships? Our Guides dive is into these questions and more on this week’s episode.